Back in 1998, the RCC Tech support was one person. I was the second. The “data center” was two computers on an office folding table. One ran Windows NT. That Windows server had a 14” monitor and a 56k modem through which the internet access for the entire office ran; internet for all 13 of us.
RCC Tech Support Today
22 years, 30 pounds (not saying where), a relocation across town, a major building expansion a few years later, 5 more members on the technical support team, a data center with a few dozen servers running a few hundred virtual instances of varying servers including around 150 for customers that host data on the RCC Cloud…. has made RCC a leader in IT services to the propane industry.
RCC’s Tech Team Helped our Staff Work Remotely Fast
Earlier this year as COVID made its appearance, the RCC technical support staff seamlessly responded to 60+ employees being sent to work from home overnight, as well as helping over 100 companies hosted with us do the same. As office restrictions still are in force around the nation, the RCC tech support continues to help companies move to the Cloud to allow them to better service their propane clients in a safe, effective manner.
RCC Tech Support Offers a Myriad of IT Services
What exactly is the Cloud?
The Cloud may be a fairly new term in the technology sector but, simply put, a cloud is a group of off-site servers that store data, allowing users to securely access information. Buetow explains more, “The RCC Cloud is a group of servers in Bird Island, MN. In the event of a catastrophic failure in Bird Island, it would take about 30 minutes to move all functionality to off-site locations.”
Access the Cloud from Anywhere
With the RCC Cloud, users are not limited to a Windows environment. Jason goes on to say, “Customers are not limited to one device when accessing the Cloud. Android, Apple, and Windows devices can all be used to gain access to FDS from the Cloud.”
Move to the Cloud Today
With an average life expectancy of hardware often being short, move to the RCC Cloud and never worry about having to purchase new server hardware ever again. Contact our Sales Team today to start the process!
Jason Buetow, IT Department
Jason has been with RCC’s Tech Department since 1998 and is the IT Manager. He lives in Willmar, MN with his wife and four children. He enjoys coaching and watching his kids play hockey.
(This article was originally included in RCC’s Fall Newsletter. You can read the entire newsletter and view other great resources by logging in to our Member Login area. If you are not a member yet, it is easy to register.)
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We would love to have a conversation with you about your needs to see what tools that RCC offers are a fit for your company. Click the button below or call our Sales Department at 800-722-6659 to arrange for a demonstration.