MOGO users – Winter is Coming!
As we get closer to the heating season, fuel and propane companies will want to make sure their MOGO tablets are ready for the heating seasom. We want to make sure you don’t drive a long distance to a customer, only to discover something is not ready or working properly. Testing MOGO at your location first will give you peace of mind that everything will work correctly when the increased fuel deliveries ramp up. If you haven’t done these steps already, here is what we recommend.
Test your MOGO for Winter Readiness
Turn all MOGO tablets on and launch MOGO. If you get any MOGO update messages, please proceed with those.
- Check for any Windows updates, and install any that are found or pending (If you’re not sure how to check, please email [email protected]).
- Check the cabling for the MOGO unit. Make sure everything is secure and there is no visible damage to cables. Make sure connection points are off the ground to limit damage from snow and dirt as much as possible. The MOGO team always recommends having spare parts to limit downtime for trucks.
- Printer maintenance – Make sure printer laser eye is clean and clear of dust\dirt.
- Log in, and start a Trip in MOGO, and make sure the Sync function is completing properly – If the trucks are missing at the truck selection screen run a strip off from RCC with the truck file checked. Re-sync the tablet.
- Do a test delivery at your office or plant, such as into a yard tank, or back into the bobtail.
- Make sure the printer is working, the register communications are good, and GPS coordinates print on the invoices. Make sure the invoice is printing properly with all the necessary information for your customers.
- Process an End Day, again making sure the Sync completes.
- Your MOGO Tablets are ready for the heating season!
Please contact MOGO Support with any issues, and we will take care of them.
You can also check here for some other MOGO FAQ’s.
Here’s wishing for a cold and profitable heating season!
Steve White, MOGO Department
Steve has been on the MOGO team at RCC for five years. He lives in Westbrook, Maine with his wife and one of his two sons. He enjoys traveling, playing golf and pickleball!
(This article was originally included in RCC’s Fall Newsletter. You can read the entire newsletter and view other great resources by logging in to our Member Login area. If you are not a member yet, it is easy to register.)