The RCC Team is continually working on making our software work for you. Here is a peak at some features and tips that you may not be aware of, but could make your job easier. As always, please reach out to our team if you have any questions!
Temp Service Work Orders in V10

Did you know that you can now create Temp Service Work Orders in FDS V10? A temp service work order is a work order created for an individual who has not yet been added into RCC as a customer. To add a temp service work order you select “More Options” in the Hub and click “Add SWO”. Then select “add a temp customer”. From there add the bare minimum for that customer requesting the work. This flags the account type as Non-Fuel and the Account Status as “Temp”. Once the job is complete and you want to permanently add that customer, you can flip the Account Status to “Active”. Finalize the setup of that customer in RCC. To include your Temp Customers in the hub, you can select the “Include Temp” checkbox. To set this functionality up in RCC, please reach out to your favorite fuel support person!
Dispatch Manager Filters – Expanded
Dispatch Manager filtering has been expanded to allow a user to filter locations due for delivery by Categories or Inventory (if available). This gives users more flexibility and control with their dispatching of deliveries. Users are also able to view quantities per load for Categories and Inventory (if available).
New to FDS – Service Manger (SM) 
We are proud to introduce this new way of scheduling service work orders. Your Service Manager will love the way they can schedule and maintain the service calls that are coming in on the fly. Whether they are assigned to a technician or not, they can easily see, move, and edit each service work order. No date for the work orders yet? No problem. Leave it with no promise date to really stand out for your Service Manager. For more information about SM and how it can make an impact on the way you schedule Service Work Orders, please contact us here.
Developer Tips – New Menu Items
What’s New
In 10.02.3200 Version 10 will have a new menu item labeled “What’s New”. This will launch a PDF with release notes and have different sections for each version. This will make it easier for the user to see what’s new and what issues have been addressed.
Send Feedback
This is a way to give RCC feedback on a specific area that you like, needs improvement or to leave an overall general comment. We want to make it clear that this area is not meant to replace our software support team. For any issues that you are having please contact RCC support.
Have questions or want to learn more?
As always, thanks for allowing RCC to be part of your company’s way of doing business. If you have questions on these features or are new to RCC and would like to learn more about our fuel and propane software, please reach out to Software Support. Click the button below or call us at 800-722-6659.
(These articles were originally included in RCC’s Quarterly Newsletter. You can read the entire newsletter and view other great resources by logging in to our Member Login area. If you are not a member yet, it is easy to register.)